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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What is making it?

What does it mean to have made it in life?

Who will tell you what making it is?

Who will tell you what you have to do to "make it"?

Is making it acquiring wealth? Is making it amassing possessions? Is making it becoming world famous? Is making it having a town named after you? Is making it having a million strong fan club screaming for you? Is making it winning an Oscar? An Emmy? Is making it when there's a monument built for you? Is making it when you have your own talk show?

The answer? None of the above.

Here's what making it is:

I was born. Therefore I've made it. End of story.

You're born. Ergo you've made it. What else did you think making it is? That's it. And this is it.

Now that you know what making it is, I'll tell you what you have to do to make it.

To make it, what you have to do is nothing.

Making it is actually very easy. You've already made it.

It's doing nothing that's the hard part. ...............Reread by Ved

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Why? Why do birds fly?

Why are birds along with bats and insects one of the only three life forms which fly?

When you come to think about it, when you inquire deeper into it, it's not essential birds fly in order to move. Even without flying, birds can already walk, run, swim, crawl, hop, slide, glide, and slither. So why, in addition to having already perfectly good mechanisms for getting themselves from place to place, do birds fly?

It's a question which has always fascinated me. I've pondered it many times, coming up with different scenarios on various occasions to account for this anomaly. I've posed lots of reasons why birds fly - many, many reasons in fact. And what I've noticed is the list of reasons you can come up with why birds fly is seemingly endless if you're creative enough. Yet in spite of how many perfectly valid reasons why birds fly I can come up with, none of them has grabbed me as the definitive reason why birds fly. No "Eureka!" moment for me here yet. No "A-Ha!" insight for me here yet. And so I stayed in the inquiry: why do birds fly? Why?

Well ... it's taken me a while but I've finally figured it out! I know now why birds fly and it's totally awesome! I'm inspired by it enough to want to climb to the top of a craggy cliff high above a blustery beach and shout it out in the face of the ocean wind.Birds don't fly because they want to go south in winter. They don't fly because they they're looking for a pool to drink from. Neither do they fly because they're trying to find a place to make a nest. It's not because they're hungry and searching for food, and nor is it because they're looking for a mate. Neither is it to escape inclement weather and predators. It's not because their lungs are better suited to rarefied air and so they have to elevate themselves to heights where the air is thinner. Nor do birds fly because they can spot then attack prey like snakes, worms, mice, and beetles better from the air.

All these reasons were valid, plausible, understandable, likely, feasible, good, and true and still are. But that was before the "Eureka!" moment. That was before the "A-Ha!" insight. That was before Werner Erhard came into my life.


It's none of the above. Here's what it is
birds fly because birds fly........................................................................
Read by Angotra

Friday, October 15, 2010

Commitment is that quality which, by virtue of its presence alone, creates the space in which keeping your word can happen.

Commitment is not an act of will but rather a condition which exists by virtue of you considering it to be. Commitment is distinct from intention.

While a physical situation encountered intentionally, on purpose, may yet instill intense distrust, there is a natural, absolutely unshakeable trust in the source from whence commitment springs.

No intention is ever totally materialized without commitment. Commitment, by virtue of its presence alone, is that quality which will determine whether you will keep your word and make happen what you said is going to happen, or not. ............................Reread by Angotra

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I am clear that for the most part, the world has gotten the ground rules for making relationships work completely wrong. It is drilled into us from childhood that making a relationship work is a 50% / 50% paradigm, with each partner being responsible for their 50% of the relationship. If you look at that paradigm, it is not hard to see that while it is well intentioned, the 50% / 50% paradigm for making relationships work does not work, and in fact has never, ever worked. I say that it does not work because while it charges each of us to be 50% responsible for making our relationships work, it also leaves room for each of us to be 50% not responsible for making our relationships work. So rather, it is not a 50% / 50% paradigm that works for making a relationship work with each partner being responsible for their 50% of the relationship, but rather it is a 100% paradigm that works for making a relationship work. Do you get that? Wait! Did you hear me say that it is a 100% / 100% paradigm that works for making a relationship work with each partner being responsible for 100% of it? I did not say that. What I said was that it is a 100% paradigm that works for making a relationship work. In other words, I am responsbile for all of the relationship independently of you being responsible for any of it or all of it or even none of it. In this paradigm, you are free to choose to be responsible for 100% of the relationship too, and you don't have to. ...........................Angotra

why r we not happy

Sitting in the himalayas i was just wondering what if a dog tries not to be a dog, surely his whole world would crash.The moment you dont accept the way you are and the way you are not you become a dog trying not to be dog and there you are,in the hell............................. Angotra

why people are not happy

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

extraordinary life

Do u know why do people get up in the morning , well may be because they did not die last night.Get up and rise create a bigger problem for yourself and you will find those cockrochy problems of your life have vanished............................ Angotra